CSR commitment of Medicom
In 2021, Medicom affirmed its commitment to a more sustainable development through the initiation of a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach.
We decided to develop and organize our CSR work based on the central issues of ISO 26000.
Our commitment is based on 3 main pillars:
- Climate
- Business
- Community
We won the EcoVadis 2024 Gold Medal.
Since 2023, we have also been committed to the United Nations Global Compact corporate social responsibility initiative and its ten principles around human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption.
Our areas of CSR commitment
We strive to reduce our carbon footprint and promote a more sustainable environment by optimising our operations and developing innovative, environmentally-friendly products.
In this way, we are committed to taking responsibility for our impact on the environment and helping to build a more sustainable future for generations to come.
We support human rights and ethical labour, in line with international principles (UDHR, Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Principles on Business and Human Rights).
We ensure that we comply with the laws and regulations in force in the jurisdictions where we operate, particularly with regard to labour, employment, human rights, wages, the environment and health and safety.
We are committed to safeguarding the well-being of people around the world by providing quality personal protective equipment, ensuring safe working environments and contributing to community development through our philanthropic work.
Find out more about our commitments :