March 31, 2020
Visit of the French President, Emmanuel Macron

On March 31, 2020, French President Emmanuel Macron came to visit our plant and saw our commitment to protecting French caregivers.
Discover or rediscover his speech at our site in Angers
"We have a fight against the virus, caregivers who are on the front lines every day and of course caregivers who need to be protected, equipped, and a challenge that we know.
In order to face the crisis, to these 40 million masks that we need every week at least, several decisions have been taken.
First, the decision to import, and quickly.
But above all, we must also, in my opinion, produce more, on our own territory.
An extraordinary effort has been made over the last few weeks which has enabled us to increase the workforce by 50%, to run the plant 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, and to order new machines which are now arriving.
Production here has already doubled in just a few weeks.
Before the crisis, we produced 3.3 million masks a week in France. At the end of April, we will be at more than 10 million.
We need to recover the mental strength and the will to produce more in France,and regain this independence.
This is what we are starting to do, with strength and courage, on the basic necessities for this crisis.
Sovereignty and solidarity, because this would not be possible without the commitment of women and men who are not counting their hours and who, with courage, are there to move the country forward.
I thank them very deeply.
It is this united France that I believe in.
It is this united France whose face we have here today but which, throughout France, is being deployed with strength and which will enable us to win against this invisible enemy, because it is not invincible."
France united against COVID-19.
© Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic