Our community commitment

At Medicom, our shared commitment is to help make the world a safer and healthier place by providing consistent and reliable protection.

Health, safety and well-being for all

At Medicom, our aim is to safeguard the well-being of people around the world, whether by providing quality personal protective equipment, maintaining safe working environments or contributing to community development through our philanthropic work. At the heart of our business is the manufacture and distribution of high quality products that protect against and prevent epidemics and other communicable diseases.

We provide our teams with the tools and support they need to achieve success and professional fulfilment in complete safety. So their health and safety is our priority. We promote well-being at work through social dialogue and a regular Quality of Working Life (QWL) assessment process, combined with an action plan.


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Solidarity and commitment

We firmly believe in solidarity and actively work to support various local and international initiatives. Our ongoing commitment to health and global well-being is reflected in our support for organisations such as the Ligue contre le cancer and Médecins du Monde.

Our solidarity initiatives also include material donations:

  • We have provided products with minor defects free of charge to elementary schools in Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou, without having to comply with the filtration requirements of the en 14683 standard.
  • We helped hospitals in Angers and Nantes cope with the shortage of protective equipment during the Covid-19 crisis, by offering them our overstocks (aprons, gowns, etc.).
  • Pink masks, exceptionally designed to support the fight against breast cancer, were donated to the Comité Féminin 49 association for the Pink October trail.
  • 112,000 masks were donated to the Franco-Comorian association Toimaya Ya Maoudou, to enable Comorian students to continue their education during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Equal opportunities

We are committed to creating an inclusive and fair working environment for all. We recruit, assess and promote our employees on the basis of objective criteria, without regard to gender, marital or parental status, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political affiliation, age, disability, etc.

In this way, we are giving the younger generation a chance, whether through work-study contracts or long-term employment. We also promote the inclusion of disabled employees by adapting their workstations to ensure an accessible environment conducive to their full participation.

Harassment, intimidation, bullying or any other inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated. To ensure compliance with these principles, we have put in place an internal CSR policy and a rigorous code of conduct for our suppliers to ensure a healthy and respectful working environment for all.

We also promote gender equality and the fight against discrimination through our recruitment process, internal mobility opportunities and management positions. We aim to achieve a 0% pay gap for work of equal value. We are also committed to achieving a gender equality index of 90 by 2026, maintaining internal gender parity and ensuring the representation of women on our management bodies.