Our business commitment

At Medicom, our shared commitment is to help make the world a safer and healthier place by providing consistent and reliable protection.

Human rights and responsible value chain

We are committed to being a responsible supply chain partner and ensure that our suppliers apply the principles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

We do not tolerate forced labour or child labour. We also defend workers' rights by ensuring their safety and protection, in an equal environment, free from any discrimination. We require our partners to apply the same principles, in particular through our supplier qualification process, which includes a risk analysis, a code of conduct, audits and general purchasing conditions (GPC).

In addition, we are helping to secure supplies of strategic equipment through local suppliers and the relocation of our glove manufacturing plant: ManiKHeir, a modern, innovative facility that creates jobs.


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Business ethics

Through our Global Anti-Corruption Policy, we are committed to conducting business ethically, with the utmost integrity, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations on corruption. This includes not making payments or providing goods or services of value, directly or indirectly, in order to obtain or retain business or otherwise gain an unfair or competitive advantage. As such, we do not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption, whether active or passive.

Medicom encourages all employees to report any potential violation of our Global Anti-Corruption Policy or any unethical behaviour and/or behaviour that is inconsistent with our values. This can be done via the following e-mail address: conformité@medicom.com. All alerts will ultimately be examined by our Ethics Committee.

Any act of retaliation, harassment or pressure against an employee who raises this type of alert is prohibited, on pain of immediate disciplinary action.